Home > About > Bob and Betty Beyster Building > Report a Facility Problem

Report a Facility Problem

CSE is located within the Bob and Betty Beyster Building at 2260 Hayward Street.

During business hours

To report a problem with the facility or to ask a question, please contact:

Stephen Reger
CSE Facilities and Purchasing Manager
(734) 764-2132
[email protected]

After hours & building emergencies

Emergency or urgent requests during non-regular business hours (example: floods, elevator problems, broken windows, alarms, power losses, and water leaks), must be called in directly to the U-M Facilities & Operations Service Center at 734-647-2059. Additional detail and contact information is here.

In addition to sending a message to the service center, please also send a message to [email protected]

In the event that public safety is a concern, please also contact:

Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS)
(734) 763-1131