Home > About > Bob and Betty Beyster Building > Scheduling for Meetings and Events

Scheduling for Meetings and Events

The Beyster Building is the home for CSE, and as such many meetings and events take place here. The information below should help visitors in finding meetings scheduled in conference rooms, and in making a request to host an event in the building’s atrium.

Conference room schedules

To find a meeting or to see if a conference room is available, visitors can view the EECS conference room scheduler here. Please note that rooms denoted “BBB” are located in the Beyster Building; rooms denoted “EECS” are not located in the Beyster Building – they are in the nearby EECS Building.

Conference rooms are intended for department business. If you would like to schedule a room, ask the person you will be meeting with in the department to make a reservation.

The CSE office hours scheduler can be seen here.

A floor plan of the Beyster Building can be seen here (pdf).

Scheduling an event in Tishman Hall

Tishman Hall, the spacious and light-filled atrium in the Beyster Building, is a destination for events and gatherings on the U-M North Campus. Tishman Hall may be reserved for approved campus events.

To make a request to reserve Tishman Hall to host event, please complete the reservation form found on the Tishman Hall Scheduler. You will be contacted once your request is approved.