Contact Our Students
The EECS department has announcement systems which allow you to send your communication directly to our undergraduate and graduate students.
How to contact graduate students
Submit a request to contact CSE grad students by emailing: [email protected]
Submit a request to contact ECE grad students by emailing: [email protected]
Note: Please include the message exactly as you would like it to be forwarded with the correct formatting, subject line, and any attachments included with your request. The graduate program staff have final say over approval of forwarded messages.
How to contact undergraduate students
If you would like to share an announcement with our undergraduate students, please email the appropriate group(s) below exactly as you would like it to be seen by students. If you would like to reach multiple groups of students, please include all groups in the “To” field of your message.
- Computer Engineering (CE) Undergraduate Students: [email protected]
- Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Undergraduate Students: [email protected]
- Computer Science LSA (CS-LSA) Undergraduate Students: [email protected]
- Data Science (DS) Undergraduate Students: [email protected]
- Electrical Engineering (EE) Undergraduate Students: [email protected]
After emailing these groups the EECS department will receive a request to approve your email. If approved, the email will be sent to our students and the message will appear in student inboxes directly from you, the sender. If denied, you will receive an email letting you know the reason why. Some reasons a message might be denied include:
- Your message was deemed inappropriate for distribution to our students.
- Your message was not formatted to be sent directly to students. Please resubmit and address it to the students you wish to send it to as if you were sending directly to them.
Announcements will be reviewed within 1-2 business days.
Job Postings
Job postings should be sent to the Engineering Career Resource Center (ECRC). The Engineering Career Resource Center hosts Engineering Careers by 12Twenty, an online recruitment system, allowing you to post employment opportunities that will be easily accessible to all of our students. You will find the Engineering Careers by 12Twenty login page here. If you don’t currently have an account within the system, you can create a new account here.