CSE Travel and Expense Reimbursements

Request a Visitor Reimbursement
- For conference-related travel expenses, always include documentation of paid conference registration in your requests, even if you have already been reimbursed for the conference registration. If you are not seeking reimbursement for it, please mark it as “for reference only.”
- If you are adding any personal travel to a business trip, please also include a for-business-only flight comparison, showing the price of a similar ticket arriving at your destination the day before your scheduled meeting / event, and departing the day after. Email [email protected] if you have any questions about this or need assistance locating comparison airfare, especially after a trip has concluded.
- AirBNB charges may be reimbursed for lodging; please include a credit card transaction for each expense.
- First/business class flights are unallowable. Exceptions may be approved on flights exceeding 8 hours and utilizing non-federal funds, but generally require pre-approval by the Unit Administrator.
- U.S. air carriers must be used for travel charged to federal projects.
- Please note that the university does not consider the following to be valid forms of payment and are generally not reimbursable (this is not an inclusive list): points / miles earned through reward programs (including airline miles, credit card points, Amazon rewards, etc.); and prepayment or credits received on personal accounts (including Uber Cash, Ride with Via, as well as airline e-Credits issued for personal, not business, travel). Please save these types of credits for your personal usage and use a credit card whenever possible for purchases related to university business. More info about UM travel and expense reporting policies may be found on the Procurement Services website.
EXPENSE LIMITATIONS: When booking hotel/lodging/accommodations, the hotel room rate should not exceed $400 per night unless it is the published conference rate, a government rate, or a Big 10 consortium rate. An exception can be made for reasonable single occupancy rates for certain destination cities (domestic and international).
Charges exceeding the $400 per night rate are subject to denial and will be considered a personal expense.
For additional guidance on expense limitations, please see the College of Engineering’s hosting and travel policies webpage and the U-M travel and expense policies page.
If you have questions, contact [email protected].
To submit:
- Email [email protected].
- Include the detail below. Be sure to attach all receipts.
Subject Line: CSE Visitor Travel Reimbursement
Business Purpose (ex. Attend and present at conference):
Travel Destination (if applicable):
Dates of Business Travel:
Faculty or Administrator’s Name:
Current Mailing Address:
Additional Notes (e.g., personal days, multiple trip explanation, etc.):
University of Michigan policy states that airfare must be purchased 14 days prior to departure. If necessary, please attach an explanation as to why advance purchase was not possible.
Submit a Visitor Meal Reimbursement
- Meal reimbursement limits:
- Breakfast $30 per person
- Lunch $30 per person
- Dinner $70 per person
- Itemized receipts and proof of payment are required.
- Alcohol is excluded.
If you have questions, contact [email protected].
To submit:
- Email [email protected].
- Include the detail below. Be sure to attach all receipts.
Subject Line: CSE Visitor Hosting Reimbursement
Business Purpose:
Date of Expense:
List of Attendees (or attach list):
Faculty or Administrator’s Name:
Current Mailing Address:
Additional Notes (e.g., personal days, multiple trip explanation, etc.):
Submit Other Visitor Reimbursement
To submit:
- Email [email protected].
- Include the detail below. Be sure to attach all receipts.
Subject Line: CSE Visitor Other Reimbursement
Business Purpose:
Shortcode (6-digit code):
Faculty or Administrator’s Name:
Date of Expense:
Additional Notes:
45-Day Statement (if applicable):