Recruit-at-Home Funding Request for CSE PhD Students
Be an ambassador for the CSE graduate programs!
The CSE Graduate Admissions Committee has approved a program called Recruit-at-Home under which current CSE PhD students can apply to travel to their alma maters to present a recruitment talk. Under the program, up to $800 in qualifying trip expenses can be reimbursed. Pre-approval is required.
Expenses may include travel and light refreshments provided during the talk. Alcohol may not be served.
Presenters will be asked to collect sign-ins from attendees. Sign-ins are required for us to continue this program.
Application process
If you are a current CSE PhD student and would like to apply, please complete the CSE Recruit-at-Home Program Form.
Once you submit the form, your request will be reviewed by the department and the CSE Graduate Programs Office will contact you to let you know if approval is granted.
Program requirements
- Pre-approval must be obtained via the program form prior to the trip in order to qualify for reimbursement.
- Alcohol may not be served at the recruiting talk.
- An attendee signup process must be completed and submitted with your reimbursement request and to the Graduate Programs Office.
Use this at your presentation
This Google slide contains a link to a sign-in form. Please include the content from this slide as the first slide in your presentation. Ask all attendees at your talk to follow the link and complete the form. It is important that you collect this information.
Reimbursement procedure
Within 14 days of returning from your trip, you must submit a reimbursement request to the Shared Services Center (SSC), as outlined on the CSE Travel and Expense Reimbursements webpage.
- The CSE Financial Specialist (Patricia Hayes) should be entered as the approver on your profile.
- Please contact Jasmin Stubblefield ([email protected]) for a shortcode to add to your report.