CS Advance Selection for Incoming Students
Prospective students may apply for advance selection into a CS major at the time of application to the University of Michigan via the Common Application after choosing either Engineering or LSA as their home college. Applications will be assessed by the University of Michigan’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Most students will be selected via this pathway, but capacity constraints mean that many students admitted to the University will not be selected for the CS majors.
Those who receive advance selection into a CS major must also meet their college declaration requirements (Engineering or LSA) before officially declaring the CS major.
Questions about the CS advance selection process?
Please see the FAQs below. You may also contact [email protected].
CS advance selection FAQs
Who is eligible to apply for the CS major on the Common Application?
Anyone applying to the University of Michigan for undergraduate study in the College of Engineering or the College of LSA is eligible.
If I do choose CS on the Common App and am not selected for that major, does that also mean I will not be accepted into the University of Michigan?
No, admission to U-M is determined independently of whether you receive the opportunity to enter the CS major. If you are accepted into Engineering or LSA, we hope you will still consider becoming a University of Michigan student. There are other fields of study related to information and computing at U-M and we encourage you to explore those possibilities:
- Cognitive Science – Computation and Cognition track
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science Minor
- Data Science (Eng)
- Data Science (LSA)
- Electrical Engineering
- Industrial & Operations Engineering
- Information
- Materials Science & Engineering
- Mathematics
- Program in Computing for the Arts and Science (PCAS)
- Robotics
In addition, many other engineering majors also include computing components.
If I do choose CS on the Common App, am not selected for the major, but am accepted to the University of Michigan, will I have another opportunity to apply to be a CS major?
Applicants who are not selected for the Computer Science major will retain their offer to enroll in the admitting U-M College (LSA or Engineering), but should expect to major in something other than CS.
If I do choose CS on the Common App and I am selected for the CS major at the time of U-M admissions, am I obligated to pursue that major if I change my mind?
No, if in the course of your studies you find that you would rather pursue a different major, you are not obligated to declare CS.
If I do choose CS on the Common App and I am selected for the CS major at the time of U-M admissions, but decide to defer admission, will I still be able to declare CS?
Yes, your selection for the CS major will still be valid if you decide to defer admission.
If I do not choose CS on the Common App and am admitted to the University of Michigan, will I have another opportunity to apply to be a CS major?
Yes, enrolled students who did not request to be considered for advance selection into the CS major via the Common App during the original application process may apply for the major as an enrolled discoverer once they have fulfilled requirements for declaring CS in their respective college (Engineering or LSA). Details on how to apply for selection as an enrolled discoverer will be available in 2023.
Who is responsible for reviewing and making decisions about the applications for the CS major?
The University of Michigan Undergraduate Admissions Office reviews and makes decisions about selection for the CS major based on criteria developed by the Computer Science and Engineering Division.
What kinds of things will the U-M Undergraduate Admissions Office be looking for in determining who will be selected for the CS major opportunity?
There are a myriad of talents and experiences that can help make a student a great candidate for studying CS at U-M, such as dedication to service, an ability and desire to work collaboratively on teams, and consideration of the impact of computing in the context of the broader world. Creativity, innovation, and the learning experience are enhanced through bringing together students from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives.
If I requested advance selection into the CS major and was not selected, is there an appeals process?
No, selection decisions may not be appealed.
If I did not realize that the option to apply for advance selection in CS was on the Common App, do I have a second chance to request selection for the CS major?
Yes, you may participate in the application process for the major as an enrolled discoverer after matriculating in the College of Engineering or the College of LSA.
Who can prospective students contact with questions about the advance selection process for CS?
The University of Michigan Office of Undergraduate Admissions administers the admissions process for undergraduates and the selection process for CS. They can be contacted at: https://admissions.umich.edu/explore-visit/contact-us
How should I decide whether to apply for CS on the Common App or wait until after I come to the University of Michigan?
If you are excited about the prospect of learning computer science and believe you can contribute in ways described above, then you may want to request to be considered for advance selection into CS on the Common App. If you are uncertain, you may choose to wait and take courses in computing and other disciplines during your first year of study before making a decision. In either case, a limited number of students will be selected.
How should I decide whether to apply for CS in the College of Engineering or the College of LSA?
Core major requirements are almost exactly the same for both majors, while other coursework differs between the colleges. Explore a detailed comparison of the major options.
Will I have a better chance of getting into CS if I apply via the College of Engineering or the College of LSA?
There are many factors considered in the admissions process. We recommend choosing the college whose curriculum and requirements better meet your needs and academic interests.
Is there a deadline or timeframe to apply for the CS major?
There are two opportunities to apply for the CS major:
- At the time of application to the University of Michigan via the Common App. The deadline for this is the same as the deadline for application for admissions to the University.
- Students who did not apply for advance selection into the CS major via the Common App may apply for selection into the major at such a time as they have fulfilled requirements for declaring CS in their respective College. A limited number of students will be enrolled through an application process currently under development for implementation during the 2023-2024 academic year.
I was admitted to enroll at U-M before Fall 2023 and either haven’t declared a major or am interested in changing my major to CS. Does the selection process apply to me?
Students whose admit term is prior to Fall of 2023 will be able to declare CS without the need for additional selection.
I was admitted to the University of Michigan before Fall 2023 but deferred and will not be enrolling until Fall 2023 or later. Does this selection process apply to me?
No, if you were admitted prior to the admissions cycle for Fall 2023 enrollment, this process does not apply to you.
If I am selected for CS, declare CS as my major, and then change my mind and pursue another major, am I able to change my mind again and return to the CS major?
Yes, declared CS students who change their majors may switch their major back to CS.
Can I get a dual degree in another school or college if I am majoring in CS?
Yes, you may pursue a dual degree if you are selected into the CS major. Learn more about dual degree requirements.
Does the new selection process apply to the CS Minor?
No, the selection process does not apply to the CS minor.