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Undergraduate Advising

Learn about the services available to you as a CSE undergrad student

Contact the UAO

Welcome to the CSE Undergraduate Advising Office! We are here to help you. Our office is located in 2808 Beyster Building. Our office is open to students between the hours of 9am-4pm either in person or virtually (closed from 12-1pm).

We can be contacted via email at [email protected].

Connect with the UAO

Connect with the Undergraduate Advising Office! This section contains information for current students about advising appointments and related topics.

Schedule an Advising Appointment >

Drop-in Advising >

Peer Advising >

Advising FAQs >

Meet the Team > 

Advising Agreement >

Faculty Chats >

Administrative Processes and Requests

Information for current students about formal policies and processes. Check here for forms, letters, and petitions.

Declaring a CSE Major >

CSE Petitions >

Letter and Form Requests >

Registration, Enrollment, and Override Requests >

Grade Policy >

Applying for Graduation >

CSE Advising Bot

CSE Advising chatbot provides support and guidance on a variety of topics, including academic programs (CS-ENG, CS-LSA, DS-ENG, CS Minor), admissions, major declarations, petitions, letter and form requests, enrollment, registration, overrides, graduation processes, and appointment scheduling.

Looking for SUGS info?

The Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Program is an accelerated program that enables students to complete their Master’s degree in one additional year following the completion of their Bachelor’s degree. Program info and advising for SUGS are managed by the CSE Graduate Programs Office; information is here.

Interested in grad school?

The Prospective Grad Student Guide provides comprehensive information on a variety of resources to help in preparing and applying to grad school for CSE students. The CSE UAO is happy to share various resources and provide advice on preparation, but we cannot advise on the program requirements or admissions for any graduate program.

For specific information on CSE grad program requirements and admissions, including CSE Master’s, PhD, and SUGS (Sequential Undergraduate/Graduate Studies), please contact the CSE Grad Programs Office.

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