Faculty Chats

CSE provides a space for undergraduate students to connect with faculty members one-on-one for a variety of reasons. Throughout the academic year, there will be weekly opportunities to chat with our Faculty Partners below.

Winter 2025 hours:

Faculty Chats will occur weekly, using the virtual office hours queue. See details about weekly time slots below.

If you would prefer to meet a faculty member in person, please arrive at their designated location during their hour of availability and continue to join the virtual drop-in queue to get in line to meet with them. Their physical locations are listed below.

Steve Bogaerts ([email protected]): Fridays 2-3 pm, 2808 Beyster

Suraj Rampure ([email protected]): Fridays 11 am-12 pm, 2725 Beyster

Elliot Soloway ([email protected]): Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm

  • What is the Faculty Chat space for? Questions related to the field, research opportunities, potential post-graduation paths, course exploration, and CSE at large. 
  • What is the Faculty Chat space not for? Questions related to your degree audit/transcript, college policies/deadlines, letter/form support, petitions, and review of your CSE degree requirements. Instead, please visit the CSE Undergraduate Advising Office for support. 

Suraj Rampure

Hi! 👋 I’m Suraj (“soo-rudge”), a teaching faculty member in Computer Science and Engineering. This year, I’m teaching a new class on practical data science and serving on the curriculum committees for both the computer science and data science majors.

This is my first year at Michigan (Go Blue!). Before this, I taught data science for three years at UC San Diego, and before that, I was an undergrad and master’s student in EECS at UC Berkeley.

Outside of the classroom, you’ll find me booking flights on credit card points or visiting my dog Junior back home in Windsor, Canada.

Elliot Soloway

Elliot Soloway is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in the CSE Division, College of Engineering, School of Education and School of Information. Soloway earned a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst in 1976. In 2001, the UMich undergraduates selected him to receive the “Golden Apple Award” as the Outstanding Teacher of the Year at the University of Michigan. In 2004 and in 2011, students in the College of Engineering HKN Honor Society selected Soloway to receive the “Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award.” Currently, Soloway co-directs the UMich Center for Digital Curricula; the Center’s mission is to support K-12 schools in their “digital transformation.”

Steven Bogaerts

Hi, I’m Steve! I’ve been teaching computer science for many years. I’ve taught a wide range of courses across the curriculum, but I tend to focus on AI and core courses. I love planning how to present challenging topics to students, thinking about how I’d want to be taught if I were learning them for the first time. I also love the opportunities for interaction and helping people that my work brings. I’m excited that the Faculty Chats will give me another way to do this! I look forward to talking with you.