MIDAS Seminar

From Theory to Practice: Building Ethical and Trustworthy AI

Johnson Rooms, Lurie Engineering Center (3rd floor)

From Theory to Practice: Building Ethical and Trustworthy AI

About: Every day, whether we realize it or not, we are constantly surrounded by AI technology. From self-driving cars, to facial recognition software, fraud prevention models, recommender systems, ChatGPT, etc., AI is rapidly transforming our lives. But do we fully comprehend the real range of potential ethical implications related to its use and regulation? This event will stimulate ideas and investigation into that question by bringing together academics, leaders and scientists in the private sector and policy regulation areas, to share their knowledge and discuss ethical challenges and trends in AI regulation, along with cutting-edge theory and implementation of ethical and transparent AI models. The event is free and open to all who develop AI methods, are current or future users of AI, or are curious about how AI will shape research and our society.

Organizers: as a facilitator of the development and application of data science (DS) and AI techniques for the broad U-M data science community, MIDAS is also imbued with the mission of promoting ethical research. In fact, one of the five research pillars that MIDAS supports is ‘Responsible Research’, focused on enhancing the scientific and societal impact of DS and AI, which takes place especially through fomenting the discussion and expansion of the Ethical AI field. On the other hand, as a prominent player in the private sector, Rocket Companies constantly strive for learning and applying responsible cutting-edge tools in AI. Joined with a common interest in the Ethical AI field, MIDAS and Rocket Companies are inviting you to share your views and learn together about breakthroughs and pressing issues regarding ethical AI.
