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Michigan Mobile Phone Ensemble Spring 2011 Concert
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Get ready for a fascinating evening as the Michigan Mobile Phone Ensembleperforms all new works in a special concert that is sure to be memorable.
The concert is the outcome of a multi-disciplinary course taught during the Winer 2011 semester by Professor Georg Essl. It merges engineering practices, mobile phone programming, and sound synthesis with new music performance, composition, and interactive media arts. The student performers have designed and developed their own new mobile phone instruments and composed new electronic music works exploring the creative potential of their own technical creations.
The 2011 Michigan Mobile Phone Ensemble is:
Robert Alexander, Michael Kim, Michael Main, Shaagnik Mukherji, Elizabeth Paris, Anton Pugh, Ricardo Rodriguez-Laureano, Paul Sokolik, Scott Wagner, and Yefei Wang
Directed by Prof. Georg Essl