CSE MHealthy Fruits and Veggies Challenge
Have your updates posted on this page – submit your recipes, photos, and progress here!
From Kelly C. July 19:
From Taylor B. July 19:
I like to cut up fresh carrots during my meal prep sessions on Sunday for an easy afternoon snack throughout the week! Hummus is my favorite dip, but peanut butter is another go to option. Carrots also happen to be on Barry’s top snack list so it’s always fun to share!
From Zach C. July 19:
“I make it as easy as possible to get leafy greens in every day by meal prepping casseroles; eating two portions gets me three servings of spinach a day without having to think about it. It’s also very modular as far as flavor goes – change out seasoning, cheese, and additional veggies and it’s hard to really go wrong.”
5lbs ground beef or turkey, choose your preferred leanness
3 12oz bags of frozen spinach
500g white rice, rinsed
2 14oz bags of shredded, low-fat, low-moisture cheese (not non-fat)
2 32oz boxes of stock
Additional vegetables as preferred
Spices as preferred
Salt, pepper
Brown the meat with any aromatic vegetables you like thoroughly until all of the water cooks off. Break apart frozen spinach. Mix browned meat, spinach, cheese, and rinsed rice thoroughly in a large casserole dish. Season generously. Begin to pour in stock, stopping when the liquid just starts to cover the top grains of rice. (Adding too much will make your final product mushy.)
Pre-heat oven to 405°F. Cover and bake for 1-1.5 hours, or whenever the top layer of rice is softened to your liking. Uncover and bake 20 minutes. Cool, portion out, and eat within 6 days.