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Michigan Researchers Win the 2016 Applied Networking Research Prize
In their paper, the researchers present the first report on global adoption rates of SMTP email security extensions.
Lie-detecting software uses real court case data
U-M researchers are building a unique lie-detecting software that works from studying real world data from real, high-stakes court cases.
Prof. Dragomir Radev Named ACM Fellow for Contributions to NLP and Computational Linguistics
His research takes place at the intersection of information retrieval, natural language processing, machine learning, bioinformatics, text and data mining, social networks, social media, collective behavior, text generation, information extraction, and artificial intelligence.
Alumnus Nam Sung Kim Elected IEEE Fellow for Contributions to Circuits and Architectures for Power-Efficient Microprocessors
Kim (PhD CSE ‘04) is an associate professor at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Researchers Receive NSF/Intel Award to Develop Visual Recognition System for Wearable Devices
The researchers are finding a solution to implement state-of-the-art vision systems in wearable devices where there is little heat dissipation
2015 CSE Graduate Student Honors Competition Highlights Outstanding Research
The competition is the culmination of a process that narrows a field of entrants to four finalists, each of whom give a summary presentation on an area of their research.
First Fairy Door at Michigan Appears in CSE
Fairy doors have been sighted around town for a number of years, with the fairies apparently choosing iconic Ann Arbor landmarks in which to site their homes.
Ford, Michigan Researchers Test First Autonomous Vehicle at Mcity
The scope of the project consists of a number of thrusts including a key research collaboration led by Profs. Edwin Olson and Ryan Eustice, who are playing a leading role in the development of the critical sensing and decision-making found in the Ford test vehicles.
The Promise and Perils of Predictive Policing Based on Big Data
Such tactics, even if effective in reducing crime, raise civil liberty concerns.
Five U-M Programming Teams Compete in ACM Regional Contest
U-M has a history of strong performance in regional, national, and world competition at the programming contest.
Computer Scientists Win Best Paper Award at ACM Conference on CCS for Exposing the Vulnerabilities of the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Diffie-Hellman is a popular algorithm used for encrypted communications, including emails VPNs, HTTPS, and other protocols where a client and server negotiate a shared secret key for communication
Garlin Gilchrist II: Innovation for the People
Garlin Gilchrist II set out on a lifelong mission to bring engineering solutions to communities in need.
J. Alex Halderman Named One of Popular Science’s Brilliant Ten
Halderman has met significant contributions in the areas of electronic voting security, internet security, and electronic censorship resistance.
Competitive Team in Data Science Launches at Michigan
The team is one of the first collegiate teams of its kind, with a mission to compete against professional and amateur data scientists from around the world in online prediction challenges.
Peter M. Chen Recognized for Influential Work in Operating Systems with ACM SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award
The paper was published at the 2002 Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation.
J. Alex Halderman and Collaborators Receive NSF Cybersecurity Award to Develop Rapid-Response Architecture
This project strives to positively impact the availability and reliability of the Internet and provide the security community with tools, platforms, and comprehensive vulnerability measurement data.
Computing CARES: A Plan to Boost the Retention of Women in Computing
The goal of Computing CARES is to lead to a more diverse population in Computer Science and Computer Engineering programs and create a better climate for all students.
Prof. Jason Flinn Receives U-M’s Faculty Recognition Award
Prof. Flinn joined the department in 2002 as an assistant professor.
Prof. Kevin Fu Addresses Technical Debt of Medical Device Security at NAE Symposium
The symposium focused on Cybersecurity and Privacy, Engineering the Search for Earth-like Exoplanets, Optical and Mechanical Metamaterials, and Forecasting Natural Disasters.
Brad Campbell and Pat Pannuto Organize Robo Cafe Demo at DARPA Tech Conference
The demo focused on a robot delivery service, called Robo Café, where a team of robots delivered snacks to attendees at the touch of a button.
Eleven New Faculty Join CSE
We’re building a bigger, better CSE.
Honglak Lee Receives CAREER Award for Research in Advanced Deep Learning Techniques
The research outcomes will be distributed through publications, talks, and tutorials.
MHacks 6 Showcased Another Round of Creative Projects
Over 1,300 students were represented at this 36 straight hour event to produce creative and impactful projects.
$3.46M to Combine Machine Learning on Big Data with Physical Simulations
The focal point of the project will be a new computing resource, called ConFlux, which is designed to enable supercomputer simulations to interface with large datasets while running.
Michigan Researchers Win Best Paper Award at VLDB 2015
The paper proposes an interactive natural language interface for relational databases, which enables novice users to construct complex queries.
MHacks Adds New Workshops and Events for 6th Hackathon
This will include seven intro-level workshops and a new event entitled Women@MHacks, which is an 8-hour long event directed towards female engineers.
Relationship with Ethiopia’s Addis Ababa Institute of Technology Grows with Research Exchange Program
Under a new pilot program, three U-M CSE graduate students traveled to Ethiopia for one month to bootstrap research projects with current AAiT students.
John Holland (1929-2015): In Memoriam
Holland was the first U-M Ph.D. in computer science (1959). He soon became one of the first professors in the U-M Department of Computer and Communication Science.
Zakir Durumeric Named MIT Technology Review Innovator Under 35
A CSE graduate student, Durumeric’s work focuses on developing quantitative, measurement-based approaches to combat threats against hosts and networks on the Internet.
CSE Researchers Win at Texas Instruments Innovation Challenge
Their Powerblade project is the smallest, lowest cost, and lowest power AC plug-load meter that measures real, reactive and apparent power, and reports this data over Bluetooth.
Virta Labs Introduces PowerGuard™
Virta Laboratories was co-founded in part by Prof. Kevin Fu and former CSE postdoctoral researcher Denis Foo Kune.
Mary Lou Dorf Wins Best Paper Award at ASEE
The paper addresses the question of whether introducing an interactive textbook into introductory STEM courses can improve student grades.
An Eye for Detail Brings Unique Rewards
Prof. Igor Markov considers his Knuth checks and important honor.
Dragomir Radev Coaches US Linguistics Team to Multiple Wins at IOL
The International Linguistics Olympiad been held annually since 2003, and Prof. Radev has coached teams each year.
Researchers Employ Unsupervised Funniness Detection in the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest
In their study, the researchers took a computational approach to studying the contest to gain insights into what differentiates funny captions from the rest.
Over 140 Students attend 2015 MiBytes Computer Camps
High school students were able to learn about mobile app development, hacking and building, and game design and development.
An Autonomous “SmartCart” Testbed is Coming to Michigan
Over the next year, U-M researchers will develop autonomy capabilities and build a mobile phone interface users can use to request a ride.
Four EECS companies make Crain’s list of most innovative companies, and one tops the list
This annual ranking of innovative companies in SE Michigan is based on the quality of patents received during the past year.
Miss Wayne County Inspires Young Girls to Pursue Computer Science
She hopes that by exposing young girls to coding through her outreach efforts, and by being a role model, she will provide inspiration and give them confidence to pursue computer science.
Ron Dreslinski Selected for IEEE TCCA Young Computer Architect Award
Dr. Dreslinski conducts research in the area of energy efficient processor architectures
Steven Parkison earns NSF Fellowship to design tools for the future of autonomous cars
The goal of Steven’s research is to improve vision-based perception systems on cars and to create an extra layer of safety.
Duc Le Selected for Mary A. Rackham Institute Graduate Student Research Assistantship
Duc is interested in using the computer’s modeling power to better understand the inner workings of the human mind, and using this understanding to create more intelligent software programs.
Introducing the Ensemble of CSE Ladies
Members will hold get-togethers, study sessions, talks, and workshops. They will also be piloting a new mentoring program.
Mark Brehob Named U-M Collegiate Lecturer
Brehob has been a lecturer in the department since 2000.
Michigan Researchers Win Both Best Paper Awards at AAMAS 2015
The two winning papers were selected from a field of 127 full paper submissions in the main technical track.
Michigan Researchers Win Best Poster Award at MobiSys 2015
It describes their work in measuring important network phenomena for debugging problems at the edge of a cellular network.
Two Michigan Papers Share the Best Paper Award at MobiSys 2015
In an unusual turn of events, we’ve tied with ourselves for this one.
2015 promotions of our faculty – congratulations!
Congratulations to the faculty members that received promotions this year.
Kevin Fu Named to CRA Computing Community Consortium Council
His three-year term will begin July 1.
Michigan Mobile Phone Ensemble Stretches, Challenges Performers and Audience
Students in the ensemble design and develop their own new mobile phone instruments and compose new performance works that explore the creative potential of their imaginations.
Computer Engineering Research Lab Explores the Bounds of Computer Integration
The CE Lab is the successor to the Department’s Advanced Computer Architecture Lab (ACAL).
Health and Fitness Company Founded by CS Alum Gets Acquired by Practo
Entrepreneur Dhruv Gupta bui;d his web and mobile based weight management program that provides customized diet plans and exercises in 2011.
Eric M. Aupperle (1935 – 2015): An internet pioneer leaves a remarkable legacy
Mr. Aupperle was a true Michigan man, devoting his career to the University and to the state of Michigan in his role as director and later president of Merit Network.
Over 600 Students Present Final Projects at EECS 183 Showcase
The project-based class has been a successful introduction to CS for many students.
Winter 2015 Games Showcase Brings Lively Crowd to Tishman Hall
The showcase is the culmination of a project from EECS 494, Computer Game Design and Development.
Students Show off Projects during Winter Semester Showcases
The breadth of projects shown by students at semester’s end is inspiring.
New Undergraduate Program in Data Science Announced
Developed jointly with the Department of Statistics, the new program will bring together the practices required to adequately manage, analyze, and interpret data at scale.
Shift Collaborative: Providing Creative Space and Community for Tech Students with Business on the Brain
Funded by an alum, there’s a place on campus for those who live to hack.
Advancing Computation: 4th U-M Alum Wins Turing Award
The Turing Award honors the computer scientists and engineers who created the systems and underlying theoretical foundations that have propelled the information technology industry.
Future Scientists Tour CSE
A group of preschoolers get an early look at the world of CSE.
CS Students Sweep Awards at 2015 Mobile Apps Challenge
The U-M Mobile Apps Challenge is held each year and is open to faculty, students, and staff from across the U-M Ann Arbor campus.
Elaine Wah Receives CoE Marian Sarah Parker Prize
Wah’s research interests lie at the intersection of finance and artificial intelligence, specifically in applying computational methods to study automated trading in financial markets.
Creativity in the Classroom: Gibson Puts Emphasis on Collaborative Learning and Quick Prototyping in Games MDE
Dr. Jeremy Gibson has flipped his classroom and revamped his game development course – and it looks promising.
Elaine Wah Receives Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for Research on Algorithmic Trading
Wah’s research interests lie at the intersection of finance and artificial intelligence, specifically in applying computational methods to study automated trading in financial markets.
Karl Winsor Honored with Goldwater Scholarship
Karl’s career goals are to obtain a Ph.D. in Mathematics, to conduct research in Number Theory and Random Matrix Theory, and to teach at the university level.
World’s Largest Processor Announced; Perfect for Big Data – and Other Applications
A really big chip is ready to take on really big challenges.
Security Flaw in New South Wales Puts Thousands of Online Votes at Risk
Securing Internet voting requires solving some of the hardest problems in computer security, and even the smallest mistakes can undermine the integrity of the election result.
2014-15 Undergraduate Student Awards
Students, parents, and faculty gathered to celebrate the achievements of EECS students who earned a special award for academic achievement, research, service, or entrepreneurial activities.
Irma Wyman: Computer pioneer and advocate for women in engineering
Her experiences led her to establish the Irma M. Wyman Scholarship at the University’s Center for the Education of Women.
Meet Sirius: An Open-Source Digital Assistant
Sirius as an important platform for research into the development of next-generation warehouse computing. It gives researchers a testbed for studying how the data centers that process voice-enabled queries should evolve.
Emily Mower Provost Receives Oscar Stern Award for Research in Emotion Expression and Perception
The proposed work investigates computational methodologies to differentiate emotion perception patterns of healthy controls and individuals with Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder.
Scott Mahlke Receives Micro Test of Time Award
His 1992 paper describes problems associated with utilizing conventional compiler support for predicated execution, a technique for dealing with conditional branches in application programs, on superscaler processors. It introduces the hyperblock, a structure to overcome those shortcomings.
2015 CoE Towner Prize for Outstanding Graduate Student Instructors
We thank these individuals for their commitment to excellence in teaching our students!
Dutta and Halderman Named Morris Wellman Faculty Development Professors
The professorship is awarded to junior faculty members in recognition of outstanding contributions to teaching and research.
Z. Morley Mao Receives Google Faculty Research Award
Mao’s goal was to create a diagnosis tool to achieve responsive and energy-efficient mobile apps that work well in diverse network conditions.
Two Michigan Engineers selected for Sloan research fellowships
The foundation honors researchers it deems “rising stars, the next generation of scientific leaders,” according to a statement. The fellows, who were nominated by their peers and chosen by a panel of senior scholars, each receives $50,000 to further their research.
Prabal Dutta Selected for Sloan Research Fellowship
Dutta’s research has pioneered practical, low-power platforms and wireless protocols for pervasive sensing, computing, and communications.
J. Alex Halderman Selected for Sloan Research Fellowship
Prof. Halderman’s research interests span software security, network security, data privacy, anonymity, electronic voting, censorship resistance, digital rights management, computer forensics, ethics, and cybercrime, as well as the interaction of technology with law, governmental regulation, and international affairs.
Grant Schoenebeck Receives CAREER Award to Develop a Rigorous Theoretical Understanding of Complex Networks
Schoenebeck’s research is in theoretical computer science, linear and semidefinite programs, the intersection of computer science and social networks, the intersection of computer science and economics, NP-complete optimization problems, and computational complexity theory.
Jacob Abernethy Receives CAREER Award for Research into the Relationship Between Machine Learning and Microeconomic Theory
Abernethy’s research is in machine learning, with additional interests in game theory, decision theory, optimization, market mechanism design, and other financial applications.
HiJack Enables a Smartphone Dongle for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
HiJack is a hardware/software platform that utilizes the headset jack on a smartphone as a universal power/data interface.
Jason Corso receives Google Faculty Research Award
Prof. Corso believes that this research could make it easier to search for certain types of videos on the web.
Jia Deng Receives Google Faculty Research Award to Study Relationships Between Entities in Images
Prof. Deng’s primary research interest is in the area of computer vision, with a focus on image and video understanding, human computation, and large-scale machine learning.
HKN students crowned Mr. and Ms. Engineer at the the Engineering Games
The competition raised over $2,000 for the Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program.CSE Supports Women in Computing and Sponsors Upcoming MICWIC Conference at U-M
In addition to MICWIC, CSE supports a number of programs designed to expand opportunities for women in computing through outreach, education, and through connection to resources.
MHacks Continues to Impress with Over 1,200 Participants at Hackathon
There’s a greater emphasis on learning and diversity in thought, background, and action. And as a result MHacks is redefining the hackathon and the hacker.
CSE Graduate Student Develops Lower-Cost Self-Driving Car Navigation System
The technology enables self-driving cars to navigate using a single video camera, delivering the same level of accuracy as laser scanners at a fraction of the cost.
Helen Hagos Selected for Dow Sustainability Fellowship
Helen has an interest in the efficient design of the hardware and software components of embedded systems to be deployed in ecofriendly applications.
2015 EECS Outstanding Achievement Awards
Winners are chosen for their outstanding accomplishments in teaching, research, and service.
Four CSE Faculty Selected for 2014-15 College of Engineering Awards
Congratulations to the following CSE Faculty recipients of 2014-15 College of Engineering Awards.
Career center report shows computer scientists highly sought, best compensated
Computer science is proving to be a great way to get popular!
Researchers Gather at CSE for Midwest Theory Day
This event is a semiannual tradition among CS theorists in the Midwest.
Despite Cold Weather, CSE Community Turns Out For Science on Screen Movie & Lecture
Students turned out to see “The Imitation Game” at the Michigan Theater.
C-FAR Annual Review Held at U-M
More than 110 people gathered to collaborate and problem-solve.
End of the Road for the Von Neumann Architecture? Not Yet.
So went the vote held in the debating chamber of the University of Cambridge Union.
MHacks is Returning for its Fifth Hackathon
MHacks is a great way for participants to showcase their creativity, while also having the opportunity to meet future co-founders, friends, and network with well-known companies.