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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) research at the University of Michigan comprises a multidisciplinary group of researchers conducting theoretical, experimental, and applied investigations of intelligent systems. Current projects include research in rational decision making, distributed systems of multiple agents, machine learning, reinforcement learning, cognitive modeling, game theory, natural language processing, machine perception, healthcare computing, and robotics. 

Research in artificial intelligence tends to be highly interdisciplinary, building on ideas from computer science, linguistics, psychology, economics, biology, controls, statistics, and philosophy. In pursuing this approach, faculty and students work closely with colleagues throughout the University. This collaborative environment, coupled with our diverse perspectives, leads to a valuable interchange of ideas within and across research groups.

CSE Faculty

Nikola Banovic

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputational Interaction, Human-centered Explainable AI, Behavior-aware Interfaces

Satinder Baveja

WebsiteReinforcement Learning, Machine Learning, Computational Game Theory, Adaptive Human Computer Interaction.

Elizabeth Bondi-Kelly

WebsiteMentoring PlanMulti-agent systems, human-AI collaboration, and machine learning for social impact.

Joyce Chai

WebsiteMentoring PlanNatural language processing, language grounding to vision and robotics, situated human-machine communication, interactive task learning.

Mithun Chakraborty

WebsiteMulti-Agent Systems, Computational Economics, Algorithmic Game Theory and Mechanism Design, Fair Allocation, Collective Forecasting.

Mosharaf Chowdhury

WebsiteMentoring PlanNetworked systems and cloud computing.

Michał Dereziński

WebsiteMentoring PlanMachine learning and statistical learning theory, scalable stochastic and distributed optimization, randomized numerical linear algebra, dimensionality reduction.

Benjamin Fish

WebsiteMentoring PlanFoundations of algorithmic fairness, ethics and justice in machine learning, theory of machine learning, learning with social context.

Anhong Guo

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, accessibility, augmented reality, human-AI interaction

Wei Hu

WebsiteMentoring PlanTheoretical foundations of machine learning, including deep learning, representation learning, and optimization.

Ryan Huang

WebsiteMentoring PlanOperating systems, distributed systems, cloud and mobile computing, software dependability, program analysis.

Dhruv Jain

WebsiteMentoring PlanAccessibility, Human Computer Interaction, Sound Design, Augmented & Virtual Reality.

David Jurgens

WebsiteMentoring PlanNatural language processing, Generative AI, Computational social science, Crowdsourcing

Danai Koutra

WebsiteMentoring PlanData mining, graph summarization and visualization, and applied machine learning.

Sindhu Kutty

Honglak Lee

WebsiteMentoring PlanMachine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision

Qingzi Liao

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, human-AI interaction, responsible AI

Maggie Makar

WebsiteMentoring PlanCausal inference, machine learning, healthcare

Yatin Manerkar

WebsiteMentoring PlanFormal methods (modeling, verification, and synthesis) for hardware and software, hardware security, memory consistency, cache coherence, concurrency, ethical AI.

Jason Mars

WebsiteMentoring PlanCross-layer systems architectures for emerging applications, datacenter and warehouse-scale computer architecture, and hardware / software co-design.

Rada Mihalcea

WebsiteMentoring PlanNatural language processing, computational social sciences, multimodal tracking and understanding of human behavior.

Emily Mower Provost

WebsiteMentoring PlanAudio-visual modeling of human behavior focusing on emotion. Focus on assistive speech-based technologies.

Barzan Mozafari

WebsiteMentoring PlanLarge-scale data-intensive systems, database-as-a-service clouds, distributed systems, and crowdsourcing.

Jeong Joon Park

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer vision; computer graphics; 3D reconstruction and generative models; applications of vision and graphics to robotics, medical imaging, and scientific problems.

Gokul Ravi

WebsiteMentoring PlanQuantum computing: Application-tailored full-stack optimization, Hardware-tailored error mitigation, Hybrid quantum-classical systems, Quantum error correction decoding, Classical simulation for quantum, Resource management (e.g., in the quantum cloud), Scalable quantum compilers; Computer architecture and systems; ML-assisted systems, Accelerating scientific applications.

Alexander Rodríguez

WebsiteMentoring PlanArtificial intelligence, machine learning, multi-agent systems, computational epidemiology, public health.

Amrita Roy Chowdhury

WebsiteMentoring PlanCryptography, Differential Privacy, Machine Learning

Karem Sakallah

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer-aided design of electronic systems, Boolean satisfiability, discrete optimization, and hardware and software verification.

Muhammad Shahbaz

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer Systems, Networks, and Architecture and their interaction with Machine Learning.

Ke Sun

WebsiteMentoring PlanMobile computing, Human-computer interaction, embedded systems, and IoT security and privacy, with the vision of developing intelligent, cost-effective, deployable, human-centric, and trustworthy mobile, wearable, and IoT systems.

Lingjia Tang

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer architecture and compiler and runtime systems, especially such systems for large scale data centers.

Georgios Tzimpragos

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer architecture, new models of computation, computing with emerging devices

Lu Wang

WebsiteMentoring PlanNatural language processing, computational social sciences, machine learning

Xinyu Wang

WebsiteMentoring PlanProgramming Languages, Formal Methods, Software Engineering. Program synthesis, verification, analysis, and testing.

Xu Wang

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, artificial intelligence in education, computer supported collaborative learning and work, human-AI interaction, learning sciences and technologies, cognitive science.

Michael Wellman

WebsiteMentoring PlanArtificial Intelligence, Electronic Commerce

Jenna Wiens

WebsiteMentoring PlanArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computational Healthcare

Stella Yu

WebsiteMentoring PlanI study visual perception from multiple perspectives: human vision, computer vision, robotic vision, and artistic vision. To me, visual perception presents not just a fascinating computational problem, but more importantly an intelligent solution for large-scale data mining and pattern recognition applications.

ECE Faculty

Laura Balzano

WebsiteStatistical signal processing, machine learning, numerical linear algebra, and optimization theory and methods for dealing with large complex data.

Jason Corso

WebsiteComputer vision, robotics, artificial intelligence.

Jeffrey Fessler audio icon

WebsiteMentoring PlanStatistical signal and image processing; Tomographic imaging; Parameter estimation; machine-learning methods for inverse problems.

Jun Gao audio icon

WebsiteComputer vision, 3D generative AI, computer graphics, machine learning.

Alfred Hero

WebsiteTheory and algorithms underlying data science and machine learning. Theory includes applied probability, statistical modeling, and optimization. Applications include complex networks, spatio-temporal processes, computational biology, personalized health, and security.

Clayton Scott

WebsiteMachine learning theory, methods, and applications.

Courtesy and Affiliated Faculty

Ceren Budak


Kevyn Collins-Thompson


Chad Jenkins

WebsiteHuman-robot interaction, including exploration of methods that enable robots to learn human skills.

Jie Liu

WebsiteBioinformatics, Machine Learning

Qiaozhu Mei

WebsiteInformation retrieval, text mining, social network analysis, and biomedical informatics

Kayvan Najarian


Mark Newman


Long Nguyen


Ambuj Tewari
