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Networking, Operating Systems, and Distributed Systems

Computer networks research at the University of Michigan takes a broad, end-to-end view, ranging from wireless networking and mobile computing to the Internet and datacenter networks. At the user-facing side, we are working on redesigning web pages and mobile apps to improve performance and user experience as well as on understanding how to improve the reliability and robustness of infrastructure services to deliver requests to end users. We also cover software/hardware interactions in wireless and mobile networking, focusing on cognitive radio, adaptive networks, spectrum sensing, MAC & network-layer protocols, and mobile applications. In terms of data centers, we emphasize on application-network symbiosis and work on application-aware networking using coflows as well as on network-aware application design.

Operating systems and distributed systems research is tackling exciting new problems that span the gamut of embedded systems, sensor networks, datacenter applications, and Internet-scale cloud services. Operating systems have become pervasive in our daily lives, controlling not just traditional computers and geo-distributed cloud services, but also consumer electronics devices and cyber-physical systems such as automobiles and power grids. Research projects at the University of Michigan are investigating how to make individual computers, data centers, and Internet-scale services more reliable, more secure, faster, more scalable, and easier to manage by applying a range of techniques such as deterministic replay, speculative/redundant execution, erasure coding, and application-infrastructure symbiosis.

As networks become faster, an emerging platform for computing is rack-scale computers (RaSC). We are building software systems for RaSCs that can provide a single machine abstraction out of an entire rack using RDMA-enabled networking. The challenges in terms of efficiency, performance, and programmability arise from the mismatch between software and hardware layers. We are at the forefront of RaSC research, challenging traditional assumptions of single-machine and datacenter-scale computing; in the process, we are discovering new problems and often addressing them for the very first time in systems research.

CSE Faculty

Todd Austin

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer architecture, robust and secure system design, hardware and software verification, and performance analysis tools and techniques.

Ang Chen

WebsiteMentoring PlanSystems, networking, security.

Peter M. Chen

WebsiteOperating systems, computer security, virtual machines, fault-tolerant computing.

Mosharaf Chowdhury

WebsiteMentoring PlanNetworked systems and cloud computing.

Roya Ensafi

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer and network security, surveillance and censorship measurement, privacy and tech policy.

Paul Grubbs

WebsiteMentoring PlanApplied cryptography, computer security, privacy, systems security, and technology policy.

Ryan Huang

WebsiteMentoring PlanOperating systems, distributed systems, cloud and mobile computing, software dependability, program analysis.

Sugih Jamin

WebsiteDynamic behaviors of large-scale systems, probabilistic distributed algorithms, computer network protocols and architectures, computer graphics.

Manos Kapritsos

WebsiteMentoring PlanDistributed systems, fault tolerance, formal verification, transaction processing.

Zhuoqing Morley Mao

WebsiteMentoring PlanMobile computing, security, networking, distributed systems, SDN, and cloud computing.

Jason Mars

WebsiteMentoring PlanCross-layer systems architectures for emerging applications, datacenter and warehouse-scale computer architecture, and hardware / software co-design.

Barzan Mozafari

WebsiteMentoring PlanLarge-scale data-intensive systems, database-as-a-service clouds, distributed systems, and crowdsourcing.

Satish Narayanasamy

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer Architecture; Program Analysis; Confidential Computing; Health Systems

Muhammad Shahbaz

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer Systems, Networks, and Architecture and their interaction with Machine Learning.

Kang G. Shin

WebsiteMentoring PlanWireless/mobile computation and networks, security and dependability, cyber-physical systems, embedded real-time systems.

Lingjia Tang

WebsiteMentoring PlanComputer architecture and compiler and runtime systems, especially such systems for large scale data centers.

ECE Faculty

Jiasi Chen

WebsiteComputer networks, mobile computing, multimedia systems, augmented/virtual reality.

Robert Dick

WebsiteEmbedded systems.

Lei Ying

WebsiteYing’s research is broadly in the interplay of complex stochastic systems and big-data, including large-scale communication/computing systems for reinforcement learning, big-data processing, private data marketplaces, and large-scale graph mining.