Faculty Candidate Seminar
CSE Lecturer Candidate Seminar: Brandon Myers
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CSE Lecturer Candidate
This lecture is one that would go at the early part of a course on computer organization. The course builds up understanding of the inner workings of a computer, starting from bits and working up to system-level concepts like virtual memory. The lecture assumes students have already learned number representation and how memory is addressed and organized into bytes and words. After this lecture, students will have familiarity with how addresses are stored in memory, how to manipulate memory in C programs using pointers, arrays, and how the memory of a program is organized. They will get practice illustrating the contents of memory during the execution of a program.
Brandon Myers is a Ph.D. Candidate and Instructor in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, co-advised by Bill Howe and Mark Oskin. He is interested in building systems to enable fast and flexible parallel programming, at the intersection of high performance computing, data management, and architecture. He has built a parallel programming system, Grappa, for distributed graph processing and a compiler, Radish, for creating high performance parallel programs from declarative queries. In 2013, he worked on Apache REEF as a research intern with the Cloud Information Services Lab at Microsoft. He received his M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Washington and his B.S. in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley.