Other Event
EECS 494 Computer Game Showcase
This year, the computer game showcase will be in the Media Union where we
will have more than 20 computer games developed in EECS 494 on display for
you to play. These are the final projects for the class and cover a broad
range of genres including action games, role-playing games, sports games,
and strategy games.
Microsoft and Electronic Arts have donated computer games that will be given
to the developers of the best games as voted on by the attendees. We will
also have a limited number of games to give away to attendees as door prizes
based on random drawings.
We will also have a limited number of free CDs with the games on them for
you to take home.
Signs will be posted in the Media Union, so come by on Wednesday, December
18 in the evening.
Directions to the Media Union: http://www.ummu.umich.edu/about/location.html
Parking is available in a lot northwest of the Media Union off of Murfin
Directions to the Visualization Lab will be posted: