CSE Seminar
It's OK to search forever, unless you are a program …
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CSE Lecturer Candidate
While we may accept that the challenges of continuous personal improvement
and finding deep personal awareness may indeed take a lifetime, we expect
answers to our data analytic searches much more quickly.
In this demo lecture, we will build upon basic graph theoretic concepts
to discuss different models for effective searching on graphs. We
will consider the applicability of selected algorithms designed for graph
searching to solving related, but separate, problems. We will also discuss
how small programmatic changes and data structure selection can impact
run time performance.
Dr. Jeffrey S. Jones is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University. Jeff teaches a variety of
courses including Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms,
Information Security and Introduction to Parallel Computing. Jeff is also active
in OSU's data analytics initiative, and will teach the associated capstone project
course beginning in Spring 2018.
Dr. Jones earned his Ph.D. in 2015 from Ohio University, his master's from The
Ohio State University in 1988 and his bachelor's from Ohio University in 1981.
Jeff was formerly Founder and President of Great Northern Consulting Services, Inc.,
a multi-million-dollar enterprise datacenter advisory firm, from 1993 through 2004,
and CFO from 2004 through 2010. He was also formerly a Systems Engineer with Sun
Microsystems and an Information Systems Staff Member with AT&T Network Systems/Bell
Jeff is a Distinguished Alumni of the College of Arts and Sciences at Ohio University,
a recipient of Sun's SunRise and Solaris Ambassador awards, recipient, on behalf of
Great Northern Consulting Services, of Owen's Corning's Vendor of the Year award and
a nominee for The Ohio State University Provost's Award for outstanding teaching.