Faculty Candidate Seminar
An Introduction to Inheritance in Java
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Teaching Faculty Candidate
Zoom link for remote participants
Abstract: In this teaching demonstration, I will introduce inheritance relationships in Java, imagining an audience of intermediate-level programmers new to object-oriented design. The emphasis will be on design considerations (“what to code”) as prerequisite for programming practice (“how to code”).
Bio: Scott Dexter grew up in a small college town in central Michigan, where he began programming in BASIC on a VAX mainframe around the age of 6. He studied computer science and mathematics at Denison University in Ohio, then returned to Michigan to get his PhD in CSE from this very department. Then he set off again, this time to Brooklyn, New York, where he taught computer science at Brooklyn College for over twenty years. Having had enough of the city, he returned again to Michigan in 2019, where he currently teaches computer science at Alma College.