Theory Seminar
Expander Decompositions: Fast Algorithms and Applications
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An (\epsilon,\phi)-expander decomposition of a graph G=(V,E) with m edges is a partition of vertices into clusters such that (1) each cluster induces subgraph with conductance at least \phi, and (2) the number of inter-cluster edges is at most \epsilon m. This decomposition has a wide range of applications including approximation algorithms for the unique game, fast algorithms for flow and cut problems, and dynamic graph algorithms.
I will describe a new algorithm for constructing (~O(\phi),\phi)-expander decomposition in ~O(m/\phi) time. This is the first nearly linear time algorithm when \phi is at least 1/polylog(m), which is the case in most practical settings and theoretical applications.
Our technique can be easily extended to the dynamic setting where the graph undergoing updates.