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Interconnects for Signal Processing
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IC chip design has evolved from the early days of cut and try, to algorithm-based CAD tools. This has made a tremendous impact in the ability to optimally design a two dimensional chip. As technology advances, consideration must include interconnects as transmission lines. Signal integrity and energy dissipation are also crucial considerations. Prof. Kuh's talk will review some background material as well as possible approaches for the future.
Prof. Kuh is a highly distinguished alumnus of the department and one of the preeminent scientists in electrical engineering. He specialized in electrical circuit theory and computer-aided design for very-large-scale integration (VLSI) circuits and systems, and is considered one of the fathers of electronic design automation (EDA).
Before coming to U-M for his UG degree, he studied at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He earned his master's degree from MIT and PhD degree from Stanford University in 1952 before joining Bell Labs, and then UC-Berkeley. At Berkeley, he was a faculty member from 1956-1993. From 1968-1980 he served terms as Department Chair and Dean of the College of Engineering.
Dr. Kuh wrote widely-used textbooks on circuit theory and synthesis. He was inducted into the Silicon Valley Hall of Fame in 2008 and has received numerous additional awards and honors, including the EDAC Phil Kaufman Award, IEEE Education Medal, the Kirchhoff Award, and the ASEE Lamme Medal. He received the CoE Alumni Medal in 2009. He is a fellow of IEEE and AAAS, a Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.