Other Event
Lecture/Reception: Steve Forrest – William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering

Please join the EECS Department in recognizing Stephen R. Forrest, Vice President of Research at the University of Michigan, as the William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering. Prof. Forrest will present a brief lecture, to be followed by a question and answer period, and a reception.
Prof. Forrest's talk is titled: "using Organic Semiconductors Where Inorganics Dare Not Tread: Imagers Based on Hemispherical Focal Plane Arrays."
Professor Stephen R. Forrest was appointed Vice President for Research in September, 2005 and began his appointment on January 1, 2006. He also holds faculty appointments as Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in the College of Engineering and Professor of Physics in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. He leads the Optoelectronics Components and Materials Group (OCM) on campus.
B.A. Physics, 1972, University of California, Berkeley
M.Sc. Physics, 1974, University of Michigan
Ph.D. Physics, 1979, University of Michigan
Previous Positions
First at Bell Labs, he investigated photodetectors for optical communications. In 1985, Prof. Forrest joined the Electrical Engineering and Materials Science Departments at the University of Southern California where worked on optoelectronic integrated circuits, and organic semiconductors. In 1992, Prof. Forrest became the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He served as director of the National Center for Integrated Photonic Techology, and as Director of Princeton's Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM). From 1997-2001, he served as the Chair of the Princeton's Electrical Engineering Department. In 2006, Prof. Forrest joined the faculty of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, as Collegiate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Physics, as well as the Vice President for Research.
Honors and Awards
A Fellow of the IEEE and OSA and a member of the National Academy of Engineering, he received the IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award in 1996-97, and in 1998 he was co-recipient of the IPO National Distinguished Inventor Award as well as the Thomas Alva Edison Award for innovations in organic LEDs. In 1999, Prof. Forrest received the MRS Medal for work on organic thin films. In 2001, he was awarded the IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award for advances made on photodetectors for optical communications systems. In 2007, the IEEE has named Stephen R. Forrest, Sir Richard H. Friend and Ching Tang as co-recipients of its 2007 Daniel E. Noble Award, recognizing their pioneering contributions to the development of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), that paved the way for advancements in high-efficiency flat-panel displays and solid-state light sources for general lighting.
Prof. Forrest has authored some 385 papers in refereed journals, and has 135 patents. He is co-founder or founding participant in several companies, including Sensors Unlimited, Epitaxx, Inc., Global Photonic Energy Corp., Universal Display Corp. (NASDAQ: PANL) and Apogee Photonics, Inc.