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Elliot Soloway

Digital-learning platform improves reading growth by 9 percentile points, bridging learning gaps

Implementing a conventional reading curriculum as digital, map-like lessons with voice recording features made it engaging for students of all reading levels.

Electric vehicle lessons cruise into Michigan classrooms

New curriculum in U-M professor’s digital education platform introduces K-8 students throughout Michigan to jobs in one of the state’s emerging industries.

Faculty team award for development of widely-used COVID-19 monitoring app

Throughout 2020 and 2021, the app's questionnaire helped more than 2,500 employers in Michigan meet state requirements.

How CS is changing education

Embedding coding into high school history class; building eBooks to broaden participation in computing; and rolling out digital tools for collaborative K-5 learning. Michigan researchers are taking on the big challenges to integrating computing into everyone’s education.

Josh Meyer has built the software that your kids and teachers need

From his days as an online poker playing undergrad to his current role as a technology developer, Josh has discovered a passion – and built a platform – for online learning.

How a COVID-19 app built at U-Michigan is helping businesses stay open

New real-time employer dashboards provide “live-feed of data” as employees report their symptoms while also safeguarding users’ data privacy.

Roadmap for teachers: U-M free online learning platform paves the way

K-5 teachers and students throughout Michigan are building thriving learning communities online by using free deeply-digital, standards-aligned curricula and platform developed by the U-M Center for Digital Curricula.

Students lead the way on State of Michigan web application to help curb the spread of COVID-19

“I don’t think any of us expected a global pandemic at the end of our senior year, let alone being able to work on an application that helps address it.”

Web app, dashboard from U-M to inform Michiganders’ return to work

The web tools will help state officials identify potential hotspots as they reopen Michigan to business.

K-12 online learning platform sees big rise in use

Daily webinars available for teachers interested in exploring the free customizable tools.

Learning the computational mindset – education researchers give perspective

The authors argue that modern children already think with computation after being shaped by the prolific digital tools that fill their lives

Computer science and business school students team up to create “intention” skill for Alexa

Inspired by a class on managing professional relationships, five recent University of Michigan graduates are developing an app that would mesh with Alexa to help nudge people when they’re out of sync with what they want.

Elliot Soloway selected for Google App Engine Education Award

Prof. Elliot Soloway Selected for AECT Distinguished Development Award

Prof. Elliot Soloway to Receive Alumni Award from University of Massachusetts

Elliot Soloway Voted HKN Professor of the Year