2023 CSE Honors Competition highlights outstanding research by grad students
Five CSE PhD student finalists presented on their research at the 20th annual CSE Graduate Honors Competition, held November 6, 2023. The competition seeks to highlight and honor outstanding research done by PhD students in CSE.

Taking place each fall, the competition takes the form of a mini-symposium, in which the five finalists give a 15-minute presentation on their research. Each student who presents is selected by one of CSE’s five research labs, and is chosen from a larger field of applicants.
The competition was judged by a faculty panel, with the top presentations announced during a reception following the event. Each finalist was honored with a certificate of appreciation and a cash award.
The 2023 presenters were:
Diwen Xue – First Place
“Measuring and Circumventing Nation-state Network Censorship”
Systems Lab
Advisor: Prof. Roya Ensafi
Sarah Jabbour – Second Place
“AI for Clinical Diagnostic Decision Making: What Could Go Wrong?”
AI Lab
Advisors: Profs. Jenna Wiens and David Fouhey
Aditya Anand
“Separating k-Median from its Supplier Version”
Theory of Computation Lab
Advisor: Prof. Euiwoong Lee
Jaylin Herskovitz
“DIY Assistive Software: Creating Personalized AI Assistive Technology Through End-User Programming”
Human-Centered Computing Lab
Advisor: Prof. Anhong Guo
Andrew McCrabb
“Using Hardware to Make Explainable AI Faster”
Computer Engineering Lab
Advisor: Prof. Valeria Bertacco