Zakir Durumeric Selected for Google PhD Fellowship

CSE graduate student Zakir Durumeric has been selected to receive a Google PhD Fellowship in Security for the 2014-15 academic year. This year, Google has awarded only 14 fellowships to top PhD students in the US and Canada who are doing exceptional work in computer science, related disciplines, or promising research areas.
Zakir is a third year PhD student and works with Prof. J. Alex Halderman. Zakir was chosen as a Google Fellow on the basis of his security research related to Internet-wide scanning, the HTTPS ecosystem, weaknesses in cryptographic keys and protocols, and network mismanagement. Most recently, he has also been involved with the study and cleanup of the Heartbleed vulnerability.
Zakir leads the ZMap Internet Scanner and Internet-Wide Scan Data Repository projects. He was the winner of the 2013 Graduate Student Honors Competition at CSE for his research and presentation on ZMap.
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Google Research Blog – 2014 Google PhD Fellowships: Supporting the Future of Computer Science