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Human-Computer Interaction

The Interactive Systems group at the University of Michigan investigates Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Educational Technology, Multimedia, and Social Computing. HCI is a large and diverse field and the faculty cover many important areas, including strengths in the fundamentals of HCI as well as exciting new technologies and services. 

The scientific fundamentals include the domains of human perception and cognition and human factors, social activity, and learning. The applications cover a wide span: user interface design methods, computational sound and music systems, collaboration systems, and educational computing in K-12 settings, with a special emphasis on mobile and ubiquitous computing.

CSE Faculty

Mark S. Ackerman

WebsiteMentoring Plan

Nikola Banovic

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-Computer Interaction, Explainable AI, Responsible AI.

Anhong Guo

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, accessibility, augmented reality, human-AI interaction

Mark Guzdial audio icon

WebsiteComputing education research, task-specific programming languages, learning sciences, education public policy, design methods, and public policy.

Farnaz Jahanbakhsh

WebsiteMentoring PlanSocial computing systems that have pro-social outcomes, with applications to social media, education, collaboration, social justice, and gig economy. A main interest is designing systems that give people more autonomy and democratize power that is otherwise in the hands of a centralized authority.

Dhruv Jain

WebsiteMentoring PlanAccessibility, Human Computer Interaction, Sound Design, Augmented & Virtual Reality.

Qingzi Liao

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, human-AI interaction, responsible AI

Rada Mihalcea

WebsiteMentoring PlanNatural language processing, computational social sciences, multimodal tracking and understanding of human behavior.

Emily Mower Provost

WebsiteMentoring PlanAudio-visual modeling of human behavior focusing on emotion. Focus on assistive speech-based technologies.

Barzan Mozafari

WebsiteMentoring PlanLarge-scale data-intensive systems, database-as-a-service clouds, distributed systems, and crowdsourcing.

Cyrus Omar

WebsiteMentoring PlanFundamentally improving the programming experience for computational and data scientists, web app programmers, students and educators, and for people with disabilities who cannot effectively use other programming tools.

Jeffrey S. Ringenberg

Mobile learning software development, tactile programming, methods for bringing technology into the classroom, and studying the effects of social networking and collaboration on learning.

Alanson Sample

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, wireless technology, and embedded systems, with the goal of tackling the critical bottlenecks that limit interactive sensing systems with an eye towards reducing deployment barriers and ensuring scalability.

Elliot Soloway

WebsiteArtificial intelligence and software engineering, Artificial intelligence and education.

Ke Sun

WebsiteMentoring PlanMobile computing, Human-computer interaction, embedded systems, and IoT security and privacy, with the vision of developing intelligent, cost-effective, deployable, human-centric, and trustworthy mobile, wearable, and IoT systems.

Xu Wang

WebsiteMentoring PlanHuman-computer interaction, artificial intelligence in education, computer supported collaborative learning and work, human-AI interaction, learning sciences and technologies, cognitive science.

ECE Faculty

Junyi Zhu

Human-computer interaction, novel sensing devices, fabrication, embedded systems, personal health and medical devices, interaction techniques, prototyping

Courtesy and Affiliated Faculty

Eytan Adar

WebsiteHuman-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Text Mining, and Social Network Analysis

Michael Nebeling


Mark W Newman


Stephen Oney audio icon


Florian Schaub
