CSE Seminar
The Synergistic Collaboration of Heterogeneity in Sensing and Communication for Ubiquitous Intelligence
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Abstract: Ubiquitous intelligent devices with sensors and communication radios are the fundamentals of digital transformation, enabling various emerging techniques such as mixed reality and digital twins. Over the years, many heterogeneous sensors (e.g., camera, radar, Inertial, and LiDAR) and communication techniques (e.g., 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and LoRa) have been developed. However, each sensing and communication technique has its unique characteristics (e.g., cost, precision, robustness, and power consumption), resulting in distinct strengths and weaknesses. In this presentation, we explore the creation of synergistic collaborations among heterogeneous techniques to enhance the scalability, reliability, and sustainability of ubiquitous intelligence. We begin with discussing the collaboration among sensors (mmWave radar and inertial sensor) to provide a robust pose estimation for mixed reality users working in adverse environments (e.g., firefighters). Furthermore, we will demonstrate how the collaboration of communication techniques (WiFi and Bluetooth) enables energy-efficient location tracking in large-scale commercial applications.
Bio: Dr. Ruofeng Liu (https://liux4189.github.io/) is currently a research scientist at Robert Bosch. He completed his Ph.D. study at the University of Minnesota. His research focuses on designing wireless sensing and communication systems for human-computer interaction, Internet of Things, and mobile networks. He published 14 papers in top conferences including NSDI, MobiCom, Sensys, Sigmetrics, and UbiComp, and journals such as TON and TOSN. His research innovations were adopted to solve real-world problems in various industry sectors such as logistics, automotive, and telecommunication.