Ten papers by CSE researchers presented at EMNLP 2023

The ten papers being presented, as well as ten additional papers published in the Findings track of the conference, provide new insight on several topics related to natural language processing, from detecting bias to parsing optical illusions.
Illustration showing an optical illusion. Two circles of the same size are surrounded by larger or smaller circles of a different color. The middle circle surrounded by smaller circles appears larger than the circle surrounded by bigger circles even though they're the same size.
Figure showing an optical illusion used as an example in the CSE-authored paper, “Grounding Visual Illusions in Language: Do Vision-Language Models Perceive Illusions Like Humans?”

Ten papers by CSE researchers are being presented in the main track of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (2023), which is taking place December 6-10 in Singapore. An additional ten papers by CSE authors have been published in the Findings track of the conference.

Organized by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) Special Interest Group on Linguistic Data (SIGDAT), EMNLP has been held annually since 1996 and is one of the top international conferences on natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) more broadly. 

CSE-affiliated authors are presenting work on various groundbreaking topics related to NLP, from detecting bias in folktales and commonly used AI models to assessing vision-language models’ ability to perceive optical illusions, and beyond.

The papers by CSE authors are as follows, with the names of researchers affiliated with CSE in bold:

Main Conference Papers

Cross-Cultural Analysis of Human Values, Morals, and Biases in Folk Tales
Winston Wu, Lu Wang, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Folk tales are strong cultural and social influences in children’s lives, and they are known to teach morals and values. However, existing studies on folk tales are largely limited

to European tales. In our study, we compile a large corpus of over 1,900 tales originating from 27 diverse cultures across six continents. Using a range of lexicons and correlation analyses, we examine how human values, morals, and gender biases are expressed in folk tales across cultures. We discover differences between cultures in prevalent values and morals, as well as cross-cultural trends in problematic gender biases. Furthermore, we find trends of reduced value expression when examining public-domain fiction stories, extrinsically validate our analyses against the multicultural Schwartz Survey of Cultural Values, and find traditional gender biases associated with values, morals, and agency. This large-scale cross-cultural study of folk tales paves the way for future studies on how literature influences and reflects cultural norms.

A chart with different human values on the x axis (e.g., relationships, respect, children, etc.) and countries on the y axis. "Social" and "relationships" appear to be common themes across most regions.
Figure 2 from the above paper showing the top 10 human values in fairy tales across cultures. The darker the color, the more prevalent that value is expressed in that culture.

Bridging the Digital Divide: Performance Variation across Socio-Economic Factors in Vision-Language Models
Joan Nwatu, Oana Ignat, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance of current AI models reported across various tasks, performance reports often do not include evaluations of how these models perform on the specific groups that will be impacted by these technologies. Among the minority groups under-represented in AI, data from low-income households are often overlooked in data collection and model evaluation. We evaluate the performance of a state-of-the-art vision-language model (CLIP) on a geo-diverse dataset containing household images associated with different income values (Dollar Street) and show that performance inequality exists among households of different income levels. Our results indicate that performance for the poorer groups is consistently lower than the wealthier groups across various topics and countries. We highlight insights that can help mitigate these issues and propose actionable steps for economic-level inclusive AI development. The code for this project is available on Github.

Collection of images arranged by topic showing different depictions by income and corresponding numbers showing model performance for each image.
Figure 2 from the above paper featuring a qualitative analysis showing the data diversity across different income quartiles on five random topics: “toilet paper,” “get water,” “light source,” and “refrigerator.” The CLIP performance on the same topic is influenced by the remarkably diverse appearance of entities from the same topic, which often correlates with income. Our analysis draws attention to how diverse objects and actions appear in our everyday lives and calls for future work to consider this when building models and datasets. Best viewed in color.

Task-Adaptive Tokenization: Enhancing Long-Form Text Generation Efficacy in Mental Health and Beyond
Siyang Liu, Naihao Deng, Sahand Sabour, Yilin Jia, Minlie Huang, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: We propose task-adaptive tokenization as a way to adapt the generation pipeline to the specifics of a downstream task and enhance long-form generation in mental health. Inspired by insights from cognitive science, our task-adaptive tokenizer samples variable segmentations from multiple outcomes, with sampling probabilities optimized based on task-specific data. We introduce a strategy for building a specialized vocabulary and introduce a vocabulary merging protocol that allows for the integration of task-specific tokens into the pre-trained model’s tokenization step. Through extensive experiments on psychological question-answering tasks in both Chinese and English, we find that our task-adaptive tokenization approach brings a significant improvement in generation performance while using up to 60% fewer tokens. Preliminary experiments point to promising results when using our tokenization approach with very large language models.

Merging Generated and Retrieved Knowledge for Open-Domain QA
Yunxiang Zhang, Muhammad Khalifa, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Moontae Lee, Honglak Lee, Lu Wang

Abstract: Open-domain question answering (QA) systems are often built with retrieval modules. However, retrieving passages from a given source is known to suffer from insufficient knowledge coverage. Alternatively, prompting large language models (LLMs) to generate contextual passages based on their parametric knowledge has been shown to improve QA performance. Yet, LLMs tend to “hallucinate” content that conflicts with the retrieved knowledge. Based on the intuition that answers supported by both sources are more likely to be correct, we propose COMBO, a Compatibility-Oriented knowledge Merging for Better Open-domain QA framework, to effectively leverage the two sources of information. Concretely, we match LLM-generated passages with retrieved counterparts into compatible pairs, based on discriminators trained with silver compatibility labels. Then a Fusion-in-Decoder-based reader model handles passage pairs to arrive at the final answer. Experiments show that COMBO outperforms competitive baselines on three out of four tested open-domain QA benchmarks. Further analysis reveals that our proposed framework demonstrates greater efficacy in scenarios with a higher degree of knowledge conflicts.

Two side-by-side examples of passages put into an LLM showing how COMBO works.
Figure 6 from the above paper showing an example of a QA pair and the passage matching results by COMBO. Passage pairs are sorted by their compatibility scores. It shows how COMBO rectifies the prediction of the baseline method under knowledge conflicts by prioritizing compatible pairs (green connecting line) over incompatible pairs (red connecting line).
Flow chart showing how a PLM parses prompts to make heuristic decisions and analytic rationalizations.
Figure 4 from the above paper showing Heuristic-analytic reasoning (HAR) for in-context learning with pre-trained language models (PLMs). HAR uses chain-of-thought prompting to bootstrap low-level analytic rationalization (e.g., physical state prediction) from high-level heuristic decision-making (e.g., implausible story and conflicting sentence selection), focusing the PLM’s attention to the most relevant context in each reasoning step.

From Heuristic to Analytic: Cognitively Motivated Strategies for Coherent Physical Commonsense Reasoning
Zheyuan Zhang, Shane Storks, Fengyuan Hu, Sungryull Sohn, Moontae Lee, Honglak Lee, Joyce Chai

Abstract: Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have shown impressive performance in various language tasks. However, they are prone to spurious correlations, and often generate illusory information. In real-world applications, PLMs should justify decisions with formalized, coherent reasoning chains, but this challenge remains under-explored. Cognitive psychology theorizes that humans are capable of utilizing fast and intuitive heuristic thinking to make decisions based on past experience, then rationalizing the decisions through slower and deliberative analytic reasoning. We incorporate these interlinked dual processes in fine-tuning and in-context learning with PLMs, applying them to two language understanding tasks that require coherent physical commonsense reasoning. We show that our proposed Heuristic-Analytic Reasoning (HAR) strategies drastically improve the coherence of rationalizations for model decisions, yielding state-of-the-art results on Tiered Reasoning for Intuitive Physics (TRIP). We also find that this improved coherence is a direct result of more faithful attention to relevant language context in each step of reasoning. Our findings suggest that human-like reasoning strategies can effectively improve the coherence and reliability of PLM reasoning.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Language Models Plan from Pixels
Anthony Liu, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Sungryull Sohn, Honglak Lee

Abstract: Planning is an important capability of artificial agents that perform long-horizon tasks in real-world environments. In this work, we explore the use of pre-trained language models (PLMs) to reason about plan sequences from text instructions in embodied visual environments. Prior PLM based approaches for planning either assume observations are available in the form of text (e.g., provided by a captioning model), reason about plans from the instruction alone, or incorporate information about the visual environment in limited ways (such as a pre-trained affordance function). In contrast, we show that PLMs can accurately plan even when observations are directly encoded as input prompts for the PLM. We show that this simple approach outperforms prior approaches in experiments on the ALFWorld and VirtualHome benchmarks.

TOD-Flow: Modeling the Structure of Task-Oriented Dialogues
Sungryull Sohn, Yiwei Lyu, Anthony Liu, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Dong-Ki Kim, Dongsub Shim, Honglak Lee

Abstract: Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) systems have become crucial components in interactive artificial intelligence applications. While recent advances have capitalized on pre-trained language models (PLMs), they exhibit limitations regarding transparency and controllability. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach focusing on inferring the TOD-flow graph from dialogue data annotated with dialog acts, uncovering the underlying task structure in the form of a graph. The inferred TOD-flow graph can be easily integrated with any dialogue model to improve its prediction performance, transparency, and controllability. Our TOD-flow graph learns what a model can, should, and should not predict, effectively reducing the search space and providing a rationale for the model’s prediction. We show that the proposed TOD-flow graph better resembles human-annotated graphs compared to prior approaches. Furthermore, when combined with several dialogue policies and end-to-end dialogue models, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves dialog act classification and end-to-end response generation performance in the MultiWOZ and SGD benchmarks.

All Things Considered: Detecting Partisan Events from News Media with Cross-Article Comparison
Yujian Liu, Xinliang Frederick Zhang, Kaijian Zou, Ruihong Huang, Nicholas Beauchamp, Lu Wang

Abstract: Public opinion is shaped by the information news media provide, and that information in turn may be shaped by the ideological preferences of media outlets. But while much attention has been devoted to media bias via overt ideological language or topic selection, a more unobtrusive way in which the media shape opinion is via the strategic inclusion or omission of partisan events that may support one side or the other. We develop a latent variable-based framework to predict the ideology of news articles by comparing multiple articles on the same story and identifying partisan events whose inclusion or omission reveals ideology. Our experiments first validate the existence of partisan event selection, and then show that article alignment and cross-document comparison detect partisan events and article ideology better than competitive baselines. Our results reveal the high-level form of media bias, which is present even among mainstream media with strong norms of objectivity and nonpartisanship. The code and dataset for this project are available on Github.

Figure 1 from the above paper showing article snippets by different media on the same story. Events are represented by triplets of {ARG0, predicate, ARG1}. Events favoring left and right sides are highlighted in blue and red. Events in black are reported by both media and not considered as partisan.

Grounding Visual Illusions in Language: Do Vision-Language Models Perceive Illusions Like Humans?”
Yichi Zhang, Jiayi Pan, Yuchen Zhou, Rui Pan, Joyce Chai

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) are trained on vast amounts of data captured by humans emulating our understanding of the world. However, known as visual illusions, human’s perception of reality isn’t always faithful to the physical world. This raises a key question: do VLMs have the similar kind of illusions as humans do, or do they faithfully learn to represent reality? To investigate this question, we build a dataset containing five types of visual illusions and formulate four tasks to examine visual illusions in state-of-the-art VLMs. Our findings have shown that although the overall alignment is low, larger models are closer to human perception and more susceptible to visual illusions. Our dataset and initial findings will promote a better understanding of visual illusions in humans and machines and provide a stepping stone for future computational models that can better align humans and machines in perceiving and communicating about the shared visual world. The code and data for this project are available on Github.

Chart showing how different models perceive an optical illusion
Figure 3 from the above paper showing an illustration of the SameDiffQA setup. For each instance, the model is asked about its perception of an object property across two images, one illusion-free and one illusion-induced. For valid illusion evaluation, the model must initially identify identical properties in the illusion-free image.

Do LLMs Understand Social Knowledge? Evaluating the Sociability of Large Language Models with SocKET Benchmark
Minje Choi, Jiaxin Pei, Sagar Kumar, Chang Shu, David Jurgens

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to perform well at a variety of syntactic, discourse, and reasoning tasks. While LLMs are increasingly deployed in many forms including conversational agents that interact with humans, we lack a grounded benchmark to measure how well LLMs understand \textit{social} language. Here, we introduce a new theory-driven benchmark, SocKET, that contains 58 NLP tasks testing social knowledge which we group into five categories: humor & sarcasm, offensiveness, sentiment & emotion, and trustworthiness. In tests on the benchmark, we demonstrate that current models attain only moderate performance but reveal significant potential for task transfer among different types and categories of tasks, which were predicted from theory. Through zero-shot evaluations, we show that pretrained models already possess some innate but limited capabilities of social language understanding and training on one category of tasks can improve zero-shot testing on others. Our benchmark provides a systematic way to analyze model performance on an important dimension of language and points to clear room for improvement to build more socially-aware LLMs. The associated resources for this project are available on Github.

Findings Track Papers

Beyond Good Intentions: Reporting the Research Landscape of NLP for Social Good
Fernando Adauto, Zhijing Jin, Bernhard Schölkopf, Tom Hope, Mrinmaya Sachan, Rada Mihalcea

VERVE: Template-based ReflectiVE Rewriting for MotiVational IntErviewing
Do Min, Verónica Pérez-Rosas, Ken Resnicow, Rada Mihalcea

Hi-ToM: A Benchmark for Evaluating Higher-Order Theory of Mind Reasoning in Large Language Models
Yufan Wu, Yinghui He, Yilin Jia, Rada Mihalcea, Yulong Chen, Naihao Deng

You Are What You Annotate: Towards Better Models through Annotator Representations
Naihao Deng, Xinliang Frederick Zhang, Siyang Liu, Winston Wu, Lu Wang, Rada Mihalcea

Language Guided Visual Question Answering: Elevate Your Multimodal Language Model Using Knowledge-Enriched Prompts
Deepanway Ghosal, Navonil Majumder, Roy Lee, Rada Mihalcea, Soujanya Poria

GRACE: Discriminator-Guided Chain-of-Thought Reasoning
Muhammad Khalifa, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Moontae Lee, Honglak Lee, Lu Wang

Crossing the Aisle: Unveiling Partisan and Counter-Partisan Events in News Reporting
Kaijian Zou, Xinliang Frederick Zhang, Winston Wu, Nicholas Beauchamp, Lu Wang

When it Rains, it Pours: Modeling Media Storms and the News Ecosystem
Benjamin Litterer, David Jurgens, Dallas Card

Can Foundation Models Watch, Talk and Guide You Step by Step to Make a Cake?
Emily Yuwei Bao, Keunwoo Yu, Yichi Zhang, Shane Storks, Itamar Bar-Yossef, Alex de la Iglesia, Megan Su, Xiao Zheng, Joyce Chai

David Jurgens; Honglak Lee; Joyce Chai; Lu Wang; Rada Mihalcea; Research News