Prof. J. Alex Halderman featured in PBS story on the security of internet voting

Prof. J. Alex Halderman was featured in the PBS news story, “Internet Voting: Will Democracy or Hackers Win?” which aired on February 16, 2012. The segment examines the security ramifications of efforts at various levels of government to provide Internet voting opportunities for citizens, such as overseas military personnel, in elections.

Prof. Halderman is a noted security expert whose research spans applied computer security and tech-centric public policy. In addition to electronic voting, his research projects have dealt with software security, data privacy, anticensorship, digital rights management, and cybercrime.

Also appearing in the video are Halderman’s PhD students Scott Wolchok and Eric Wustrow, and university technical staff member Dawn Isabel.

Engineering Education Research; J. Alex Halderman; Research News; Security and Privacy