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Morris Wellman Faculty Development Professorships

This endowed chair will support a junior faculty member in computer science and engineering and will be awarded in recognition of, or in the expectation of, outstanding contributions to teaching and research. Recipients are listed below.

Michael P. Wellman, the Lynn A. Conway Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, endowed this professorship in 2001 in his grandfather’s name. Morris Wellman, who lived from 1908 to 1995, was an engineer who worked for most of his career as a civil servant of the City of New York. By sharing with his grandson the high value he placed on education, honest hard work, and his love of engineering, he instilled core values for others to embody. It is in the celebration of this spirit that this professorship is named.

2025Thatchaphol Saranurak
2024Greg Bodwin
2023Roya Ensafi
2022Baris Kasikci
2021Mosharaf Chowdhury
2020Danai Koutra
2019Ron Dreslinski
2018Jenna Wiens
2017Barzan Mozafari
2016Honglak Lee
2016Michael Cafarella
2015J. Alex Halderman
2015Prabal Dutta
2013-2014Satish Narayanasamy
2013-2014Edwin Olson
2011-2013Thomas Wenisch
2011-2013Seth Pettie
2008-2010Z. Morley Mao
2006-2008Jason Flinn
2004-2006Scott Mahlke
2002-2004Brian Noble