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Kuck Dissertation Prize recipients

Each year, the David J. Kuck Ph.D. Dissertation Prize in Computer Science and Engineering will recognize the most impactful Ph.D. dissertation submitted by a student in the University of Michigan’s program in Computer Science and Engineering. Recipients are listed below.

University of Michigan EECS alumnus David J. Kuck (BSE EE 1959), Professor Emeritus at the University of Illinois and distinguished computer scientist, established this recognition in 2020.

2024Jiong ZhuAdvancing Graph Neural Networks for Complex Data: A Perspective Beyond Homophily
2023Fan LaiMinimalist Systems for Pervasive Machine Learning
2022Tara SafaviAugmenting Structure with Text for Improved Graph Learning
2021Akshitha SriramanEnabling Hyperscale Web Services
2020Qi ZhangMaking and Keeping Probabilistic Commitments for Trustworthy Multiagent Coordination