Embedded Master’s Degree for PhD Students
If you are enrolled in the PhD program, you can get your Master’s Degree (MS) along the way (this is completely optional and not a required part of the program). To be eligible for the CSE M.S. program, students must not already hold a master’s degree in computer science or an equivalent field. (CS, CE, EE, ECE, IS, Robotics, Data Science).
Requirements for the Embedded Master’s Degree can be found under “6.3. CSE M.S./M.S.E. Degree Requirements for CSE Ph.D. Students” of the CSE Graduate Program Guide.
You may request that the master’s plan be activated on your record by emailing [email protected] with “Embedded Master’s Degree Request” as the subject, and include the following information:
- Advisor
- preferred degree citation (Master of Science (M.S.) or Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.), based on whether or not you received an Engineering bachelor’s degree – only doctoral students who received an Engineering bachelor’s degree are eligible for the MSE degree citation)
- A completed PhD Student Master’s Plan of Study
Lastly, please complete the CSE Graduate Programs Exit Survey (please complete this even if you are not planning to exit the program directly after getting your master’s degree).
In this case (not in the PhD case!) Rackham allows the transferring of credits. You can request that transferred credits apply to the master’s degree requirements by including them in your PhD Student Master’s Plan of Study.