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Declaring a CSE Major

  • Computer Science majors, Computer Science minor, and Data Science Engineering major: If you meet ALL pre-declaration requirements found in your program guide and are ready to declare, please fill out our declaration request form. A staff member will check your eligibility and let you know the outcome. For more detailed questions, students can schedule an advising appointment or come to virtual drop-in advising.
  • Computer Engineering: Please schedule an advising appointment to declare a Computer Engineering major

Are you declaring in order to gain access to ULCS this semester? Please note that declaring after the first day of classes does not grant access to ULCS for that term. The latest a student can request to declare in order to have access to ULCS for that term is 5:00 PM on the first day of the semester.

If you would like to declare Multiple Dependent Degree Program (MDDP), please schedule a regular advising appointment instead.