Grade Policy
For CS-Eng and DS-Eng:
Requirement | Minimum Grade* |
College of Engineering Common Requirements, e.g. Engineering, Math, and Science (and their prerequisites) | C letter grade, no Pass/Fail |
Major Core Courses (and their prerequisites) | C letter grade, no Pass/Fail |
Technical Electives (and their prerequisites) | C letter grade, no Pass/Fail |
Intellectual Breadth | D- letter grade or if taken Pass/Fail, A+ through C-= Pass |
General Electives | D- letter grade or if taken Pass/Fail, A+ through C-= Pass |
*”T” grades granted for equivalent transfer credit are also accepted.
NOTE: An unsatisfactory grade in a required course must be repeated earning a grade of C or better. A Technical Elective may be repeated, earning a grade of C or better; or replaced by another course approved by the Chief Program Advisor.
Pass/fail rules:
The following cannot be taken Pass/Fail:
- CoE Common Requirements
- CSE Major Core Courses
- ULCS requirement for CS*
- Flexible Technical Electives*
*If a student wishes to switch a ULCS or Flexible Technical Elective to Pass/Fail, the class will no longer satisfy that requirement. It will instead count as General Elective credit.
The following can be taken Pass/Fail:
- Intellectual Breadth courses
- Courses filtering as General Elective, such as
- Excess ULCS/Flexible Technical Electives beyond the major requirement that are filtering into General Electives in the degree audit
- Any course not counting for major requirements or CoE common requirements
Students have the option to take General Electives and Intellectual Breadth courses P/F, under the following conditions, set by the College of Engineering:
- A maximum of 14 credit hours can be taken P/F throughout a degree.
- Courses taken P/F do not count toward a student’s GPA and do not generate honor points.
- No more than 2 courses per full term can be taken P/F (no more than 1 course for part time students or a half-term semester).
- The instructor of the course does not know a student has elected the course as P/F and issues grades to students as normal. After grades are submitted, the Registrar’s Office translates P/F grades as follows:
- A+ through C- = Pass (P)
- D+ through E = Fail (F)
Requirement | Minimum Grade* |
CS Pre-Declaration Requirements | C letter grade, no Pass/Fail |
CS Major Courses (and their prerequisites) | C letter grade, no Pass/Fail |
LSA Distribution Requirements | Please discuss with your Newnan Advisor |
*”T” grades granted for equivalent transfer credit are also accepted.
A C or better is required to get CS-LSA program credit for the courses listed as pre-declaration, Major, CS program electives, and their prerequisites. A course with a grade of C- or below must be retaken, or if it is a program technical elective, it can be either retaken or replaced by another allowed elective with a grade of C or better.
Curious about your GPA? Make a copy and use this GPA Calculator Tool.